6x MDV 21t minerals awaiting bauxite paint (Stephen Harris kit).

BR/LNER unfitted Plate wagon (Stephen Harris kit).

6x MDV 21t minerals awaiting bauxite paint (Stephen Harris kit).
BR/LNER unfitted Plate wagon (Stephen Harris kit).
Next job was to fit the end supports, I tinned the edges and fitted in the slots in the chassis floor and the slots in the end stanchions mentioned earlier, I found it best to fit one at a time then checking the chassis was still square and all the wheels were touching the floor, then if there was a problem it would probably be the down to the support I had just fitted.
Next job is to bend the brake unit at 90 degree and fit this to the chassis, this can only go one way round due to the slot and tab method so it should be impossible to get it backwards. It is a good idea to have wheels in place when fitting to brake unit to chassis and to thread a piece of 0.3mm brass rod through the vee hangers and brake unit with plenty of spare either side to fit the brake levers later in the build, when all is in position lightly tack the brake unit to the chassis and check you have equal clearances between wheels and brake blocks, otherwise adjust to suit and when happy solder unit in place.
The brake lever cam found on the one side of the chassis needs to be bent to shape which is aided by the two half etched lines and the footstep need to be folded up. Next job is to fit the inner chassis channels, these have a small cut out to fit over the brake unit and slot and tabs at the ends, these need to be soldered 90 degree to the chassis floor.
These are then tinned on the back and with the hopper body upside down and sat flush on a flat surface, with the stanchions held in the right place they are sweated onto the hopper sides, again I found it easier to do a bit at a time starting with the top rail checking all was in it's correct position as i went along. Their is some overhang at each end of the top rail, do not remove this until after the end stanchions have been fitted.
Building the body
The body basically consists of two parts the hopper body itself and the internal hopper chute.
Saturday 2/01/10
Meanwhile for a change from tracklaying and to give me chance to decide on the exact posistioning of building, It gave me the chance to start fitting the Tortoise point motors.
Previously I've fixed nickel silver wire to the point blades, which drop through the baseboard and connect to the point motors. In larger scales it is easy to solder these to the sides of the blades, but in 2mm their Is'nt as you havn't as much area to solder too, I opted for 0.5mm rod and with a bit of tidying up their is enough clearance for the wheel flanges.